Summary | |
The genus Anoplodactylus
is the most speciose member of the family Phoxichilidiidae that also includes the
genera Phoxichilidium and Pycnosomia. Commonly known as ‘sea spiders’,
Pycnogonida are chelicerate arthropods that are exclusively marine invertebrates
(Lehmann, Heß, & Melzer, 2014) totalling 1334 species, out
of which 136 are known species of Anoplodactylus (C. Arango & Wheeler, 2007). Anoplodactylus can be
found in waters across the globe across all latitudes and depths from the
littoral zone down to the abyssal zone. The larval young are endoparasitic and
grow within species of hydrozoans. Because they are slow moving, they generally
feed on sessile organisms such as hydrozoans. Their relatively simple bauplan has
led to some interesting and unique adaptations such as gut peristalsis taking
on the role of the circulatory and respiratory systems. Because sea spiders are
so small, slow moving and cryptic, they are among the least studied marine
Physical Description | |
Size and Colouration
Members of the Anoplodactylus genus
are generally small with body sizes typically ranging from 0.6 mm to 6 mm when measured
from the tip of the proboscis to the posterior end of the abdomen (Lucena, Araújo, & Christoffersen, 2015). The legs are two and a half times
to three times as long as the body and account for the main mass. Colours range
from normally green (A. angulatus) (Figure
1A), off-white or colourless (A.
petiolatus) (Figure 1B), pale straw or colourless (A. pygmaeus)
(Figure 1C) (King & Crapp, 1971), green or blue (A.
virescens) (Figure 1D) or even multicoloured (A. evansi) (Figure
1E) (Arnaud & Bamber, 1988). Males are generally smaller
than females (Bain & Govedich, 2004).
External Morphology
have bodies that are generally slim and of a small size (Figure
2A). This is commonly seen in species
that inhabit shallower depths, while species that live in deeper depths tend to
be larger. Anoplodactylus spp. are characterised by the absence of
palps, simplicity of ovigers in males (five or six segment ovigerous legs),
complete absence of ovigers in females, and the lack of developed strigilis
(terminal section of oviger) (Figure
2C) (C. Arango & Wheeler, 2007).
All adult Anoplodactylus
have an anterior proboscis and an anterodorsal ocular tubercle that bears two
pairs of eyes (Figure 2D). The first limb-pair, known as chelifores, are
located dorsally to the generally round and tubular proboscis that is followed by
the ovigers in males that are used to carry developing eggs. Located posterior
to the ovigers are four pairs of walking legs borne on lateral processes of the
body segments (Figure 2A) (Georg Brenneis, Bogomolova, Arango, & Krapp, 2017).
Each leg is comprised of nine articles: coxae 1, 2 and 3; femur (featuring the
male cement gland); tibiae 1 and 2; tarsus; propodus; and terminal claw (from
proximal to distal) (Figure 2B). The legs house long diverticula of the midgut
and gonads that are displaced far into the legs (Georg Brenneis et al., 2017).
Gonopores are located on the ventral surface of coxa 2 (Figure
2B). On the last walking leg
segment, the anus is borne on the distal end of an unsegmented anal tubercle (Figure
that live in specialised environments show the appropriate adaptations. Abyssal
species are usually blind while species that live in shallower environments
with very strong wave action, e.g., fringing or barrier reefs, have condensed
body forms, short robust legs with bowed propodus, and strong claws (A.
arescus) (Arnaud & Bamber, 1988).
Figure 1 |
Figure 2 |
Ecology | |
Feeding and Defence
Most pycnogonids are parasites, i.e., they do
not usually directly kill their host unlike a predator that will kill and
consume all or most of the organism (Rohde, 2005).
Although, some species have been described to prey on and consume entire animals,
A. petiolatus has been observed
to consume annelids whole (Lotz, 1968).
Other species have been described as herbivorous (Wyer & King, 1974) or detritivorous (Soler-Membrives, Arango, Cuadrado, & Munilla, 2013). Larvae are obligate endoparasites
of hydrozoans and are active feeders (Georg Brenneis et al., 2017).
Members of the Phoxichilidiidae family,
which include Anoplodactylus have been found by Dietz, Dömel, Leese, Lehmann, and Melzer (2018) to definitively feed on
sponges, hydroids, medusae, bryozoans, molluscs, annelids, crustaceans and
echinoderms. A. evansi has been reported to attack and feed on small
individuals of 13 species of opisthobranchs by hunting them on benthic algae (Rogers, Nys, & Steinberg, 2000). Other species such as A.
carvalhoi and A. longiceps only feed on the cerata of nudibranchs
(Figure 3) (C. P. Arango & Brodie, 2003; Piel, 1991).
Anoplodactylus blend in well with their environments and
given their heavily chitinised exoskeletons and little muscle content, do not
make for an attractive source of food. Thus, they do not posses any physical or
chemical defences. Records of the gut contents of sub-Antarctic king crabs and
north Atlantic shrimps suggest that they appear to be ingested incidentally
rather than actively, and do not constitute majorly in the diet of any predator
(Arnaud &
Bamber, 1988).
Anoplodactylus possess four pairs of walking legs. Its eight-legged locomotion allow
for variable speed; forward, backwards and sideways movement; and low turning
radius on uneven substrates (Roberts,
Mahon, & Halanych, 2016). However, low muscle mass relative to body mass
results in generally slow movement with walking speeds measuring at between
0.05 to 0.2 cm/sec with a variable and non-symmetrical gait pattern (Roberts et
al., 2016).
Predominantly inhabit and show the most diversity in shallow waters occurring
in either tropical or temperature waters but have also been recorded in Antarctic
latitudes and below depths of 1000 m (Claudia P. Arango, 2003b; Lucena et al., 2015).
Some live parasitically in polyps of Hydractinia echinate, Podocoryne
carnea and Campanularia flexuosa (King & Crapp, 1971).
There are nine species of Anoplodactylus
known from waters deeper than 500 meters. These are: A. arnaudae (to 860
m), A. australis (to 549 m), A. mamillosus (to 732 m), A.
neglectus (to 2926 m), A. oculatus (to 850 m), A. pelagicus
(to 549 m), A. petiolatus (to 1180 m), and A. typhlops (to 3620 m)
(Child, 1982).
A. cribellatus
and A. arescus live in unstable sands in the infralittoral, i.e., the
region of shallow water closest to the shore, excluding the intertidal zone (Arnaud & Bamber, 1988). A. petiolatus
frequent muddy bottoms of up to 22% silt in the Bay of Biscay and 50% silt off the
coast of Northumberland. A. massiliensis inhabit muddy shelf sea bed in
deeper waters of the Mediterranean (Arnaud & Bamber, 1988).
Figure 3 |
Life History and Behaviour | |
are slow-moving given their hard cuticles and relatively small musculature. In
the lab, the collected specimen was observed to respond negatively to light;
curling up its legs and compressing its body into a ball shape when exposed to the
bright light of the dissecting microscope. When placed in the collection tray,
the specimen was also observed to actively seek darkness, only stopping once it
had reached a dark area.
are used for grooming, handling of food, courtship and mating, transferring of
eggs from female to male, and transport of eggs by male (Bain & Govedich, 2004). The collected specimen was
observed using its ovigers to pick and remove bits and pieces of detritus and
debris from its body.
Natural History
are iteroparous, capable of reproducing multiple times within a period of several
years. Male and female undergo a series of courtship and mating behaviours that
last for several minutes, in A. lentus it was observed to be 5 minutes (Bain & Govedich, 2004). The female first approaches
the male and they meet head to head. They then mount each other so that their
heads are at opposing ends with their ventral surfaces facing towards each
other. When their ventral surfaces meet, the female starts laying its eggs. The
mature eggs leave the ovary in the femur of the walking leg and are excreted through
the gonopore. The eggs are held beneath her while the male uses its oviger to
fasten onto the egg mass with the aid of secretions from the cement gland.
Males usually end up with two egg masses that are fertilised externally as mature
sperm are released by the testes via the gonopore (Bain & Govedich, 2004). Males have been observed
with multiple egg masses of different sizes indicating multiple copulation
The life
span of Anoplodactylus has not been well-studied and very few species
have had their complete life cycles investigated. The protonymphon larvae has
long filamentous strands attached to the ends of its larval appendages (Figure
4B). These strands are initially used to cling onto the male after hatching, then
used for clinging onto hydroids as well (Bain, 2003).
After hatching, the protonymphon larvae crawls out from the egg mass and swims
away from the oviger. After finding a suitable hydroid or stylasterid coral, it
burrows into the polyp or gastrozooid respectively (Bain, 2003).
Post embryonic development is subdivided into three phases: the larval, the post
larval, and the juvenile phase (Georg Brenneis et al., 2017).
The larval phase includes all instars that resemble the protonymphon larva
(Figure 4B). The second phase, the post larval phase is characterised by the
formation and differentiation of walking leg segments over the course of two moults.
Finally, transition into the juvenile phase occurs on the first moult that
leads into a miniature adult with all walking legs, although the fourth pair of
legs may still lack a few articles (Georg Brenneis et al., 2017).
Moults occurring in this phase result mainly in the increase of overall body
size. Sexual maturity is indicated by visible mature oocytes in gonads of
females, the bearing of egg masses by males, or presence of gonopores on the
second coxae (Georg Brenneis et al., 2017).
All Anoplodactylus
larvae develop endoparasitically with partially synchronous differentiation of
walking legs, known as type 4 postembryonic development (Georg Brenneis et al., 2017).
Other terms commonly used to refer to this type of development are “type 2” (Dogiel, 1951; Sanchez, 1959), “encysted larva” (Bain, 2003)
and “encysting mode” (Burris, 2011).
Egg sizes
range from 30 μm in diameter (A. angulatus and A. erectus) to 40 μm
(A. eroticus), and are the smallest reported egg size of any species of pycnogonid
(Georg Brenneis et al., 2017).
The hatching stage is a protonymphon larva that is less than 100 µm in overall
size. The post larval instars are endoparasitic within hydrozoans and are
active feeders.
Figure 4 |
Anatomy and Physiology | |
Digestive System
An anterior triradially symmetric proboscis
is the main organ used for the uptake of food. The proboscis features a
terminal mouth surrounded by three moveable ‘lips’, one dorsal and two ventral,
and gland openings that may secrete saliva (Dietz et al., 2018; Fahrenbach & Arango, 2007).
Relatively strong musculature of the proboscis allows for the sucking and
pumping of mostly liquid-form food. Located proximally within the proboscis is
the pharyngeal filter that is composed of bristles that are densely packed to grind
and filter out any solid ingested particles (Figure
(Dietz et al., 2018). The lips of most species are fringed with
microtrichia, however in Anoplodactylus they are mostly absent or
lightly fringed (Figure 5B and Figure 5C). Chelifores and palps are the secondary organs
used to aid in feeding in most pycnogonid species; these are homologous to the chelicerae
and pedipalps in arachnid chelicerae (G. Brenneis, Ungerer, & Scholtz, 2008). However, in Anoplodactylus
only the chelifores are present and are dorsally located. They are used for the
cutting off and macerating of prey organisms; guiding them to the proboscis (Figure
5A), as well as for the generally
manipulation of prey. Palps in Anoplodactylus species are reduced or
lost (Figure 5D).
The digestive system is divided into three sections: the foregut, midgut
and hindgut. Food processing and filtering begins in the foregut within the proboscis
with the aid of the pharyngeal filter. Digestion and absorption then occur in
the midgut located within the cephalosoma and walking leg segments (Figure
The midgut is unique in that it has diverticula extending from the central
section of the body into all the walking legs (Arnaud & Bamber, 1988). Congregation of faecal pellets
occurs in the hindgut that then subsequently opens to the exterior via the anus
(Soler-Membrives et al., 2013). Digestion is intracellular
and occurs only by pinocytosis (Dietz et al., 2018). See feeding video.
Circulatory and Respiratory Systems
circulatory system consists of a simple tube-like heart that pumps haemolymph.
Because the heart is quite simple, the haemolymph that is pumped by the heart
is mostly confined to the trunk and proximal leg segments (Georg Brenneis & Scholtz, 2014; Woods et al., 2017).
lack any specialised gas exchange structures. They respire by directly taking
up oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide across the cuticle instead (Woods et al., 2017). For internal oxygen transport, counter current
flows generated by gut peristalsis transports oxygen from distal parts of the
legs to the central trunk and muscle-filled proboscis where oxygen demand is
greatest (Woods et al., 2017). See peristalsis video.
Reproductive System
Gonads are
housed within the walking legs in the femur (Figure
6). In females, mature eggs are
released from the ovary and forced towards the gonopore during copulation. The oviger,
with the aid of the cement gland, aids in fastening the eggs ventrally onto the
male for incubation (Figure 7) (Arnaud & Bamber, 1988). Gynandromorphs have been
well recorded within Anoplodactylus with
egg-bearing specimens recorded with well-developed ovaries and testes (Figure 6B)
(Arnaud & Bamber, 1988).
Nervous System
The pycnogonid
central nervous system (CNS) is composed of several separate ganglia, unlike
the fused CNS in euchelicerates, and is subdivided into an anterodorsal brain
and the ventral nerve cord (Figure
The brain is spherical to ellipsoid in shape, the segmental units that contribute
to the brain are the protocerebral region and deutocerebral neuromere (Georg Brenneis, 2015). Pycnogonids have the most
complex stomatogastric nervous system of all extant species of arthropods (Figure
(Georg Brenneis, 2015).
Feeding Video. Feeding behaviour and morphology of Anoplodactylus illustrated in a 3 min 19 s long YouTube video. 0:37 - feeding on Ectopleura crocea. 0:52 - ventral view of proboscis. 1:12 - dorsal view of eyes. 1:39 - peristaltic action of midgut diverticulum. 1:57 - close up of proboscis with musculature visible. 2:06 and 2:32 - use of chelifores to manipulate prey. Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YscmnXyobno
Gut Peristalsis Video. Peristaltic action of digestive tract illustrated in a 47 s long clip. 0:01 - peristaltic action (left to right) showing displacement of gut and haemolymph. 0:20 - peristaltic action (right to left) showing the same. 0:40 - overall peristaltic action. Video URL:
Figure 5 |
Figure 6 |
Figure 7 |
Figure 8 |
Biogeographic Distribution | |
Local Distribution
Anoplodactylus can be found all along the coasts of Australia and
Tasmania, mostly concentrated along the eastern seaboard of Australia (Figure 9).
Global Distribution
Anoplodactylus are cosmopolitan and are found in every ocean
(Figure 10). Species have been recorded in Brazil (Lucena et al., 2015), the Mediterranean (Galli et al., 2019; Lehmann et al., 2014; Soler-Membrives et al., 2013;
Zool et al., 2013),
the British Isles (King & Crapp, 1971; Wyer & King, 1974), Australia (Claudia P. Arango, 2003b; Atlas of Living Australia, 2020), etc.
Figure 9 |
Figure 10 |
Evolution and Systematics | |
classification of Pycnogonida families has traditionally been based on
morphological characters; primarily the absence of presence of cephalic
appendages in adults, i.e., chelifores, palps, and ovigers (Claudia P. Arango, 2003a). It had previously been
assumed that the direction of evolution within the group was that of a reductive
trend. However, it has been shown that there is a possibility that reduction
and loss of appendages occurred as parallel evolutionary events (Claudia P. Arango, 2002).
is a robust monophyletic group that is well supported by its sister group Endeis
(Figure 11). Together they form the Endeis–Anoplodactylus grouping that
is supported by four morphological characters: the absence of palps, simplicity
of ovigers in males, complete absence of ovigers in females, and the lack of
developed strigilis (C. Arango & Wheeler, 2007).
Fossil Record
Few pycnogonids
appear in the extremely sparse fossil record due to their delicate forms and
non-biomineralised cuticles (Siveter, Sutton, Briggs, & Siveter, 2004). The earliest possible record
was that of a larva found in Upper Cambrian Orsten deposits dating back 500 million
years ago (Waloszek & Dunlop, 2002), while the earliest adult was
recorded in the Silurian dating back about 425 million years ago (Siveter et al., 2004). As of 2020, only 10 species
have been described in the fossil record dating from the Upper Cambrian,
Silurian, Devonian and Jurassic geological periods (Bamber et al., 2020).
Classification and Systematics
Phylum: Arthropoda (von Siebold, 1848)
Subphylum: Chelicerata (Heymons, 1901)
Class: Pycnogonida (Latreille, 1810)
Order: Pantopoda (Gerstaecker, 1863)
Suborder: Eupantopodida (Fry, 1978)
Superfamily: Phoxichilidoidea (Sars, 1891)
Family: Phoxichilidiidae (Sars, 1891)
Genus: Anoplodactylus (Wilson, 1878)
Figure 11 |
Conservation and Threats | |
a small group of atypical arthropods, Pycnogonida are not as widely studied as
other classes in the animal kingdom and as such are neglected in marine studies.
They usually occur infrequently and in low abundance; tend to be cryptic and well
camouflaged; and are without any economic importance (C. Arango & Wheeler, 2007; Claudia P. Arango, 2003a).
Thus, information on population and abundance of Anoplodactylus spp.
is often sparse and incomplete.
Conservation Status
species of Anoplodactylus were assessed by Membrives, Valbuena-Ureña, and Claudia P Arango (2018) in a conservation assessment of
Pycnogonida in the Iberian Sea. Their results showed that two species were
found to be critically endangered (A. oculatus and A. robustus),
while the remaining five were found to be of least concern (A. typhlops,
A. arnaudae, A. pygmaeus, A. virescens and A.
have been shown to be generally tolerant of pollution. Domestic waste and
organic pollution have been shown to support populations of A. pygmaeus and
A. petiolatus, with populations thriving only where there is pollution (Arnaud & Bamber, 1988). Power plant cooling water
effluent has also been found to support populations of A. virescens. Generally,
Anoplodactylus are not directly affected by pollution but by the effects
of pollution on their food sources (Arnaud & Bamber, 1988).
References | |
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